Wednesday, September 29, 2010

2 Squares for Clue # 1 Complete

Yay!!! I was able to complete the first 2 squares off of clue # 1 in Bernat Mystery Afghan Crochet-Along. And, surprisingly despite the struggle I had with the 8" width, I came in pretty close (almost exact 8"). Woohoo!!! Here are some pictures.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Bernat Mystery Afghan Crochet-Along

In order to learn crocheting, I am doing the Bernat Mystery Afghan Crochet-Along ( Here is the tons of yarn the afghan will use.

Taking the gauge was interesting! When I made the square to measure the gauge, I got exact measurements - 4" x 4" with the J hook that was recommended. But, when I started making the actual square, it would come out to 9 or 9.5". I had to undo it 2-3 times, but it would overshoot the 8" size of the actual afghan square. Then I used the next smaller crochet size. Now, the square measured 7.5" instead of 8". It took me 3-4 times unraveling the square I made with the smaller hook to get to 8" size. I am in the middle of finishing the square for week 1's clue. I will post the picture as soon as I am done! In the mean time, happy crocheting.